Saturday, October 29, 2011



                           Students just can not live without them (even during the lessons) :

                                                           MOBILE PHONES

And sometimes no matter what you do they still end up texting their friends while you are

trying to do your precious activities.

So why not doing activities that include mobile phones!

So far I have come up with a few ideas and here you will find one of them:
  • Find a reading text (It could simply be a reading text from your students’ course books)
  • Ask them if their mobile phones have a voice recording application. At least %80 of your students will say ‘YES’ instantly.
  • Then pair your students. (As and Bs)
  • After that, you tell your students to take out their mobiles, which will hopefully surprise them.
  •  Student A reads the text, and B records A’s voice and then B reads the same text and A records B’s voice.
  • After that,  there are several things that you might do:

a)Listen to all recordings as a class. If you have loudspeakers in your classroom, you can
listen to everyone much more effectively. [By plugging mobile phones to the
loudspeakers] . I would not do any grading here, but what I would do is I would ask students
to underline all the mispronounced words/phrases and after we listen to everybody, we

would discuss them as a class so no one would know who made a mistake and who did not

make mistakes.

b) Pairs listen and grade each other. (Teacher might give students a simple criterion.)
                                                    Why do I do this activity?

  • As mentioned at the very beginning: To do something that includes something they are very much interested in: MOBILE PHONES
  • It is a pronunciation activity.
  • It helps students to correct themselves. They become more aware of their own mistakes and students start to correct themselves (self-correction/self-awareness).
  •  I aim to give students a learning strategy as well. Students record and listen to their voices whenever they want. Something they can do alone.


1 comment:

  1. This activity is very intersting and amusing. Also it is useful to give opportunity to the students a way to learn by themselves thank you Gizem. I will follow your upcomming posts
